Define your brand with 5 questions

I'm Ash

Define your brand with 5 questions. HINT: Know your why!

When starting a business, it’s so important to know your why, vision, mission and values!

These are qualities that set you apart in a saturated market. Tell your story with passion and let your authenticity shine.

We explore these questions and more in our brief discovery meeting and questionnaire workbook to ensure we create a visual identity that truly encapsulates you and your business.

All business foundations are built on these three levels: 1 – WHAT you do, 2 – HOW you do it, and 3 – WHY you do it. And the secret to the most successful brands is the third question: WHY?

Majority of you will know what you do and how you do it, but for some it may be hard to clearly articulate WHY you do what you do. What is the driving power and purpose behind your brand?

Looking at some famous brands out there like Apple, Starbucks or Nike, what makes these brands stand out isn’t their products, it’s because we connect with them. They define and know who we are and so we relate to their WHY. Their purpose is what drives loyal customers and allows them to charge high prices without worrying about losing customers.

Define your brand with 5 questions

Why is your “Why” so important?

Increase in revenue

Brands that understand and clearly articulate their purpose have a higher connection and conversion rate with their audience.

Competitive advantage

With so many competitors out there, your brand purpose is a powerful force because it can’t be replicated, giving you a true uniqueness and authenticity to shine.

Customer loyalty

When your audience understands your WHY it builds trust and a deep connection and in turn creates loyalty.

5 questions to find your brand purpose

Here are 5 powerful questions to help you clarify your WHY and define your brand purpose.

  1. Why did you start your business in the first place?
    • Be completely honest here! Authenticity builds a deep connection, sharing your personal story inspires your audience. Did you start so you could have more freedom? Did you ditch your 9-5 to pursue your passion? Did you want to combine motherhood with your career?
  2. When you started, what change did you want to bring to the world?
    • What is the main problem you solve? How does it help change the life of your target market?
  3. Keeping your target market in mind, what change did you want them to see?
    • Think about your perfect client, what do they value, what change to they want in their life? How can you relate to their values, worries and beliefs?
  4. What are your strengths that make you unique?
    • What is unique about your offer, product or service? What makes your business different to competitors? What do you do that can’t be replicated? What makes you a valuable and irreplaceable partner to your ideal audience?
  5. What would you like your audience to know you for?
    • What would your ideal audience say about you after working with you? Do you want to be known as friendly and professional, creative, inspiring?

Need a Copywriter? I recommend Hayley G Creative and her amazing FREE Brand Word Bank, download it here.


Once you have discovered your WHY you can really make an impact with all of your business decisions moving forward. It will give you a competitive advantage if you can clearly articulate your purpose to your audience. Keep it simple and real. I’d love to hear your WHY. Comment below!

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