How to keep your brand consistent

I'm Ash

Hot topic: How to keep your brand consistent. If you’ve ever wondered how a brand achieved its recognition (think Prada, Gucci etc.) it isn’t just because it offers an amazing product/service, or a ‘beautiful’ logo. While these elements are important, Brand recognition can be simplified into one word: consistency!

Consistency is so important and plays a vital role in everything I design here at White Ink Creative. To have strong brand consistency, you need to communicate your message. Another reason to establish your brand strategy, values, and goals – essential foundations for your business.

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Consistent use of your brand elements increases brand recognition and attracts your dream clients. Two essentials to having a successful brand strategy are repetition and consistency. If you continue to present your brand consistently, your audience will instantly recognise your brand values over time. It’s the know, like and trust factor. With these elements showing up, your audience will be more likely to engage with your product/service and purchase from you.

Benefits of implementing brand consistency across your business:

Shows your commitment and intention within your brand to achieve your goals and maintain a quality standard.

Keeping to your brand values and a consistent image in the market will help shape how people perceive your brand, and maintain your brand image.

People will know exactly what to expect when they do business with you.

Showing up

Increase your brand recognition by simply showing up! Become visible to your audience to keep at the front of their minds. The more they see you, the more recognisable you’ll be and create intrigue. Showing up builds a relationship and trust.

Have an intentional brand message

Your brand message is the heart and soul of your brand. It needs to be something you deeply believe in and are passionate about. Why? Because if you want to convince your audience of your message, you need to believe it first! Having a strong brand message will have your audience believing in you so much that they want to work with you, to achieve what you are offering. A refined brand message that you truly believe in will make creating content and speaking to your dream clients a breeze.

Focus on your passions

Think about the transformation you want to provide to your dream clients. Does is connect with your passion and brand message? What do you offer? How do you deliver it? How will it change your client’s life?

Have a brand style guide

Your ultimate secret weapon to keeping your brand consistent! When you work with a brand designer, this is a tool you should include as part of your package. Empowering you with rules and guidelines to keep your brand consistent. By following your brand style guide rules, you create consistency which in turn creates memorability, trust and loyalty.

Use social media

When used correctly social media is a great asset to your brand. Presenting your business on social media involves the following:

  • Curating & editing images that represent your brand
  • Using your feed to display your message through cohesive copy and tone
  • Offering value your audience won’t get elsewhere (know, like, trust)
  • Making the most of the tools available such as Instagram stories, IGTV, stickers etc

Feel free to be more personal and vulnerable on social media, people connect with people. Tell your story with passion, heart and soul. Make sure your posts are intentional – does it help your ideal client? Will they learn something? Offer value to position yourself as the expert in your field.

Consistency is the key to positioning your brand and scale it into your dream business! Do you have consistency in your branding? If you’re struggling with constancy in your business, I’m here to help! Book a FREE Clarity Call.

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