Why Branding is worth the investment

I'm Ash

Let’s talk – Why Branding is worth the investment. As a small business owner, I understand wanting to build your business on a budget. So, when it comes to hiring a brand strategist and designer for your business it can seem expensive. Branding is a big investment, especially when you’re trying to grow your business to become more profitable.

But I know how much a strategic and purpose-driven brand can transform your business to be profitable. While it might seem like a big investment to begin, a strong strategic foundation for your brand will give you the confidence and clarity to grow your business.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • Why investing in branding is worth it
  • The return on investment you’ll get with branding
  • How branding can increase your revenue and perceived value
  • How to know when to invest

Why investing in branding is worth it

Before we get into the value of branding, it’s important to understand what branding is first. If you don’t understand what branding is then you won’t understand the value behind it.

Your brand is so much more than your logo. Your brand is who you are, what you stand for, your visual elements (logo, colours, typography etc.), website, marketing, purpose, promise, ideal client, message and much more! P.S. You can check out “What is Brand Strategy and why do you need it” to go through these elements in more detail.

Branding dives deep into discovering and refining what you do, who you do It for, and why people should choose you. Once you have uncovered all of this, your brand elements can be thoughtfully created in a way that aligns with your unique business.

When you look at branding this way, you can see the value of investing in your brand for long-term success. Investing in your brand is one of the best ways to see growth in your business.

The return on investment you’ll get with branding

The value of establishing a strong foundation for your business is immeasurable. A strategic and exceptional brand is built from a solid foundation that clearly conveys your mission, vision and unique style. To create a strong brand that is a true representation of you and your mission requires a lot of planning and development.

Branding is critical in a consumer’s decision-making when interacting with your business and making a final purchase. Your brand will hugely impact their perception of your business. If you have an unprofessional website or logo, it won’t have the same perceived value as a business with an elevated brand and seamless online experience.

All the details matter. Your audience wants to feel like they are a part of an elevated experience. A strong brand can create that for you.

If you build your brand right from the start, it can alter the perceived value of your business and increase your revenue.

When you invest in your brand at any stage of your business, you are more likely to attract your dream clients and convert them into loyal customers. This is because your brand has been intentionally and strategically build to do just that. And when you captivate and convert your ideal audience, your revenue will increase. With a brand built on a strategic foundation you’ll be able to make a return on your investment and then some.

How to know when you’re ready to invest

Finding the right time to invest can feel confusing. You most likely want a strong foundation and a beautifully designed brand from the start but want to save as much money as possible.

After working with business owners at all stages of their business, I have found that the best time to invest in strategic brand development is after you’ve been in business for a while and have a strong sense of the direction you want to take or those that are ready to get it right from the start.

Take the time to discover who you are as a business. If a custom brand is still out of your reach for now, Semi-custom Brand Design and Showit Website Templates can get you through in the meantime.

Once you’re ready to take your business to the next level, you should work one-on-one with a brand strategist and designer to develop your brand. The timing is dependent on our and your personal journey. If you spend time developing your brand the right way, you will gain more in the long run.

Making the right investment

If you are ready to invest in your business, I recommend doing your research first. Consider what you’re getting for your money and what is included in the packages you’re comparing. Hiring an experienced brand designer over a general graphic designer will help you develop a strong brand foundation that will last and serve your business for years to come.

Instead of getting just a logo to throw onto your website, you will get hours of undivided attention to dive deep into your business and design that is specific to your audience, goals, vision and more.

In summary

Even though it might be a hard decision, know that investing in your brand is a wise choice for your future success. If you take the time to discover your business position and are prepared to dive deep into your brand development, your investment will return more than just dollars. You will have a strong foundation for your business, clarity for your brand and an overall strategy to grow your business and take it to the next level.

Next steps

If you’re ready to make an investment in your business, it’s time to find the right designer to work with. Make sure that you feel a connection to the designer, their style and values align with your own and they have the right package for your business.

I work with clients at all stages of your business and offer Custom Brand Packages to help you take your brand to the next level. Book a Free Discovery Call or complete our Contact form to see how I can help you with your business.

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